Video Testing

Please use the below buttons to pay for your selected tests. Make a payment by the 10th of the month and upload test video(s) and needed forms to your google drive and share the related drive link with Mrs. Madalyn Brook ( ) on or before the 15th of the month. Videos can be dated from the 2nd of the month to the 15th of the month.

  • The Skater’s name and the name of the test must be mentioned as part of the File Name

  • The skater must introduce themselves at the beginning of all dance related tests. These self-introductions are optional/recommended for all other tests

  • Please include the below as part of your uploaded file:

    1. Affidavit (Make sure it is filled out in full)

    2. Name likeness Release 

    3. Letter of permission from Home club (if you are not a member of Central Illinois Figure skating club)

    4. Video File